What an Imbolc!

What energy this Sabbat brothers and sisters! This has been the most calming one yet and I couldn’t have been happier with the results!

I started off the decorating my altar with my Goddess painting and my Sabbat tarot draw. I asked my deck to show me the card which will represent this upcoming year and pulled the 9 of Cups a.k.a The Wish Card (It symbolizes getting everything you wish for so I was ecstatic) and then lit my 4 white tea-light ‘goal’candles which stood for the 4 things I really want to achieve this year and a big red one to honor this Sabbat and stand for fire since this is a fire festival. I also included every cleansing gem I have (trust me I needed them!) and a walnut to symbolize the growth in spring. Now to the ritual!

I popped in and said hello to the God and Goddess and then gathered up some sage incense and smudged the house. It desperately needed  it and I immediately noticed a difference. The atmosphere is so much lighter than before.

After a nice chat asking for some help with my goals this year and meeting the lovely Bridghid, I held some pendulum divination and asked some pretty big questions. Well, my friends, this will be quite a busy but blessed year for Swift & I and that is your only clue! 🙂 The God and Goddess were in high spirits and we just talked for the rest of the ritual.

The only thing left to do is give my puppy dog some milk later on when he’s done napping and write a poem tomorrow about my Imbolc experience. I hope you all had a blessed Imbolc as well and please feel free to share your ritual experience in the comments below.

Blessings and Love Always!
Hawk RunningWater