The Fox News Blowout

Last week on the program Fox with Friends they decided to go for the jugular of a new group: Pagans, Wiccans, & Witches. I will not repeat what they said because I’ll feel tainted afterwards but I will say this, I am proud to be a part of this community.

To be frank, this is the only place where I have truly felt loved, accepted, and at home but I knew, as I’m sure you all did, that we would get on that hateful Fox radar sooner or later. Now, this had sparked up our community all across the globe and I think we responded with dignity and honor in the face of these ignorant bigots. We were not hateful, we did not stoop to their level, we responded with the facts, petitions, and spread the world to every practitioner we know and we have come out on top.

Although one of the Anchors posted a somewhat, sort of, apology on his twitter, I was not amused nor will I be when I watch today’s Fox with Friends episode where it is rumored that they are making a public apology but, in truth, an apology is not what I wanted. I do not care what they think of me or my path. I do not care that they will never see the beautiful, graceful Goddess or our strong, handsome God.  What I care the most about is the fact that we were not silent. We carried ourselves confidently to their front door and showed them the truth and showed the whole world that we are our there, we do exist, and although some, if not most, of us practice in secret, we are, by far, no longer a minority.

As I was writing this, I looked to the categories that I have and tried to select which one I would choose for this post. It took me a little while but I decided Witch Responsibilities and I’ll tell you why. For too long now our community has been mocked, bullied, and spat upon by thousands of people and we have stood by for one reason or another and let it go on. It is true that some fought and spoke out against such actions but many of us still hid in the shadows. The time for this has long since passed, however, and I believe we should break this silence. I believe when the next group, and there will be a next group because someone always fears what they do not understand, insults, mocks, or drags our faith through the gutter, we should respond just as we have now armed with facts, love, understanding, and our strength in numbers. It is our responsibility to show what our community truly is and what we stand for and hate and intolerance is not on that list for any set of beliefs, including our own. We are a path of love, peace, and freedom and the more times we say it, the farther it will travel and the greater public will know what paganism, wicca, and witchcraft etc. truly is. Now I am not saying I want their approval, I am quite happy without it actually, I simply want my faith to be respected. I want my fellow witches to be able to practice without fear and I want the public to know just how much they judge based on what confuses and scares them.

I love you all and I am so proud of the actions we took as a whole. If you take nothing else from this just please remember our strength and remember that you are not alone.

Blessings & Love Always,
Hawk RunningWater