Card of July: Page of Cups

By: Hawk RunningWater 

My darlings it is that time again! We are now in the month of July but better late than never. And it seems that the Page of Cups has some wisdom to share with us.

Page of Cups

Page of Cups

Page of Cups: Creative Spark

 –This month is going to be teeming with creativity, fresh energy, and intuitive messages.  And as pages are messengers there could also be some positive family news such as child birth, engagement, wonderful ideas, etc.

-Make sure to be paying attention to your intuition, dreams, and animals that keep popping up around this time. There are messages and inspirations that are coming your way.

-This will be a time where you will feel your emotions very intensely but do not fear them, embrace them! Use these emotions and messages to fuel yourself creatively and let your inner child play.

-A great time to start new projects but be careful not to burn out when your energy shifts at the end of the month.

-Listen to your heart as cups are the suit of emotions, water, and relationships.

Page Suggestions:

-Pages bring messages and add the flow and ever-changing element of water to the mix and you are in for lots of changes. Remember to embrace flexibility and fluidity, now is not the time to be rigid.

-Find a meditation to communicate with your inner child this month. It is a month of dreams and creativity, so see what it is you need the most and get on it!

– Make sure to use your dream journal this month as well. The messages as I said before will be significant and you will want to spend some time reflecting and researching on what they mean.

Card of June: Four of Pentacles

By: Hawk RunningWater

      Good morning my fellow Witchlings! I have just gotten up from a nice lay in and I wanted to share with you what card has spoken to me for the month of June.  And as you can see it is the four of pentacles. 

The Four of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles theme: Balance

The pentacle suit refers to Earth, Health, Stability, Roots, and Finances while the four represents balance and symmetry.

To dive a little deeper, this card asks us to not squander your cash but not hoard it either and to remember balance is key to mastering the lovely realm of finances. Spend but also save is the message from this card. Don’t go overboard on either end of the spectrum. It also hints towards a better financial situation ahead.

However, this card also teaches us to let go. The man on the card is holding a coin in every way possible. He won’t let them out of his sight and soon this obsession will overwhelm him if he doesn’t catch it. Is there something in your life that you just can’t let go of? What do you obsess over that is in the past? Or, better yet, what do you obsess over that you have absolutely no control over? The four of Pentacles asks us to observe all these things and strive for balance.

Balance Suggestions:
-Make time for work and play (your inner child needs satiating too!)

-June means sunshine! Go out and just spend some time in nature to allow yourself to re-calibrate.

-Eat and drink things that cleanse your senses. This varies for everyone but mine are lemon and lime juices and pico de gallo salsa. You may laugh but making time for yummy things that refresh you will make it easier to relax and not let the daily grind get you down.

-Schedule some time for your favorite, relaxing magical activity. This could be meditation, communicating with your patrons, or making something artsy for your altar. Whatever it is do it!

***Don’t panic, the daily worries and habits will fit in so make time for you and strive for balance outside and in!***

2014: The year of Growth and Expansion & Strength Pathworking

I  was so nervous about 2014. Everyone is always like New Year, New Me but I actually wanted to live it. I drew my tarot card for the year which sums up what attribute I will have to draw on the most this year or what card I will have to work with to better myself or a mesh of both. I drew Strength and I knew HUGE change was in the works.

So I grabbed a hold of 2014 with both hands and dove right in. I opened up my tarot etsy shop and ignored all of my negative self-doubt. I started working with my new matron, Sekhmet. And then started my new hobby of archery all within 2 weeks of January.

I wanted to live my practice. Live my spirituality. Live by my tarot and it’s wisdom. I guess this year could be the year of practice what I preach and not holding back. I wanted to embody my card of the year, see what adventures would spring up along my path, and share what I learned from the card along the way.

Well here is your first installment! To new year’s resolutions and the blessing of fresh beginnings!

My Card of 2014

My Card of 2014

My Journey with Strength thus far:

-Masculine Energy Card: Go, go, go energy & taking risks.
-Fire Elemental Connections
-Uniting of Self & masculine and feminine energies working together although it has a more          masculine oomph to me.
-I consider it closely related to the Fool in that in takes that initial leap of faith and letting go to truly embrace the full message of the card. Although it is not as naive as the Fool can be at times.
-It is a true confidence building and healing card. If you embody this card full on, it can be very helpful in a healing practice.
-Trust is a HUGE part of working with this card as you are diving into the unknown like I mentioned before with the leap of faith. You also have to maintain this trust for a length of time not just to see if you make the leap or not. You have to endure alongside this card.